Only 48 hours later we got the following numbers:. 1758 MASTERNODES HOSTED (+228). 360 USERS (+22). 28 SUPPORTED COINS (+2).

01 Nov 2019, 13:32
Only 48 hours later we got the following numbers: 1758 MASTERNODES HOSTED (+228) 360 USERS (+22) 28 SUPPORTED COINS (+2) We are growing fast ! In the next update of @PoSMNcom the prices for the packages will be adjusted making $MONK the cheapest option available. Our MN hosting service @PoSMNcom is LIVE on Beta for some weeks and we got some impressive stats for this short period of time! 1530 MASTERNODES HOSTED 338 USERS 26 SUPPORTED COINS Thanks for your support and happy Masternode hosting!