Dear Monk (MONK) friends,. There is already a new wallet update available for download.

21 Jun 2023, 09:00
Dear Monk (MONK) friends, There is already a new wallet update available for download. It contains the latest DSW code that has been developed. This new version is a Mandatory Update and include the following: Improvements: - UI privacy mode; - Staking improvements (staking needs to be activated to be used); - Staking hash rate report on the dashboard; - Last Paid V2 and Masternode Payment V2 - Speed up the listmasternodes RPC command - Multinode capability - Masternode Collateral Window - Seamless MN upgrade between protocols Commands: - checkconnection RPC call - mnping RPC call - reloadmasternodeconfig RPC call and a corresponding GUI element - setautocombinethreshold command and UI support - rewindblockindex command, start option, and the GUI element - getactivemasternodecount RPC/CLI command The new wallet version must be downloaded and installed before the 19th of June, by when the spork will be activated for this version Thank you for being so supportive